Minutes of Regular Board Meeting

June 29th, 2006 7:00 PM



Location:          District Office, Gander




Mr. Thomas Kendell (Chair)                             Mr. Randell Mercer, Director

Mr. Clar Brown                                                Ms. Claudine Wells

Mr. John George                                              Ms. Marina Hewlett

Mr. Robert Hannaford                                      Mr. Shawn Brace

Mr. Hubert Langdon                                         Mr. Charlie McCormack (Recorder)

Mr. Scott Pritchett                                            Ms. Bonnie Lane McCarthy

Mr. Greg Woolfrey

Ms. Kim Cheeks

Mr. Kerry Noble

Mr. Peter Budgell




Mr. Bill Sceviour

Ms. Audrey Whiteway

Mr. Peter Gibbons

Mr. Newman Harris


1.         Approval of Agenda


Motion:           to approve the agenda as circulated.  (Langdon/Noble).  Carried.


2.         Minutes of Meetings


            2.1       Regular Meeting May 16th, 2006


Motion:           to accept the Minutes of the May 16th, 2006 Meeting as circulated. (George/Woolfrey). Carried.


Mr. Hannaford asked about the need for detail in the Board minutes.  Following a short discussion it was agreed the minutes are fine as currently recorded.



3.         Business Arising:


            3.1       Restructuring Update


Mr. Mercer provided an update on the restructuring program.  Bishop’s Falls Academy will be closed effective September 2006.  The District will have 69 schools on paper but will operate 72 buildings until more capital projects are completed.


Nova Central School District has received 3.85 million of the 6.5 million announced in the provincial budget for Restructuring Projects:


Exploits Valley Intermediate      1.65 million

Gander Collegiate                     600,000

Baie Verte                                200,000

Dorset Collegiate                      100,000

Botwood                                  800,000

MSB                                        500,000

The estimate total cost of these projects is $6,130,000.


The above amount will be supplemented by special incentive funds as another source at the Department of Education. (note motion under 4.2)


The Director reminded the Board that although these six approvals are ‘good news’, we do have a total of 23 identified projects in the district Restructuring Plan.  The board will need to be vigilant in pursuing these other projects in a timely fashion.


Mr. Pritchett complimented the staff for their work in getting these projects approved early and successfully.


Mr. Mercer explained the frustration of how slowly some of the projects get started.  He explained how so many parties are involved and this is often out of the hands of the District.


Mr. Mercer outlined the delays on Botwood Collegiate, Gander Collegiate and Exploits Valley Intermediate.  Exploits Valley Intermediate is delayed; it is still on the Minister of Education’s desk.  It was agreed by the Board that Mr. Kendell, Chair write the Minister to ask that the tender call for this project be approved as soon as possible.


The land issue with Exploits Valley Intermediate has been resolved with the Catholic Church.


Mr. John George informed the Board that he had attended a school councils meeting in Harbour Breton at King Academy.  Some of the issues discussed at that meeting included:

·        Lack of land at King Academy site

·        Shortage of parking space

·        Insufficient stage

·        Insufficient gym

·        Too many stairs, hollow and make a lot of noise

·        The school is surrounded by roads

·        Safety is a concern

·        Cafeteria and canteen

·        Special Needs concerns with 7 autistic children

·        The school council was concerned with what they saw as a lack of respect to the school council.


The school council would like to meet with the new CEO in the new school year to discuss their concerns.


Mr. Clar Brown suggested the Finance & Property Committee could meet in Harbour Breton in the fall.


Mr. Mercer said the good thing coming out of this discussion is the community support for a K-12 school.  He said engineers would have to review the schools and determine the most appropriate path to take into the future school.


Mr. Budgell suggested that the committees of the Board could meet in different communities and have local groups present.


Mr. Pritchett reminded the Board that committee meetings are closed meetings.


            3.2       Update – New Funding for Additional District Office Staff


Mr. Mercer briefed the Board on the presentation to the Department on the need for additional staff.


A Mr. O’Brien from Treasury Board visited the school district to review the details of our needs.  He is expected to have a report prepared by the end of June and submitted to the Department of Education for action.


The Director noted that school districts all met and shared their individual plans that were sent forward to Mr. O’Brien for review and recommendation.


3.3              Mr. Hannaford asked about the strategic plan of the Board.  Mr. Mercer said that a strategic planner is one of the positions the Board requested from the new funding to expand district staff.


4.         Committee Reports/Updates


            4.1       Executive Committee (see attached report)


Mr. Woolfrey asked about the recruitment of a new CEO.  This will be covered in a closed session later in the meeting.


Mr. Hannaford asked about responding to letters to the Chair or Director that are copied to board members.  The protocol is for the person who is written the original letter would be the person who responds.


Motion:           to accept the Executive Committee Report.  (Kendell/

Noble).  Carried.


4.2       Finance/Property Committee (see attached report)


Mr. Pritchett reviewed the Finance Committee report.


Special Incentives


Motion:           To request from the Minister, permission to borrow the amount of $1,407,707 representing the three year Special Incentives funding associated with the closures of  Exploits Valley Intermediate – Maple in Grand Falls-Windsor, L.P. Purchase Academy in Botwood, school closures in Baie Verte, Brian Peckford Elementary in Triton, and M. W. Jeans in  Burlington and direct the funding to offset the Capital Construction costs associated with Exploits Valley Intermediate – Greenwood, Botwood Collegiate,  Dorset Collegiate, M.S.B. Regional Academy, Green Bay South Academy and Gander Collegiate. (Pritchett/Brown) Carried


Mr. Noble asked what would happen if the schools mentioned did not close?


Mr. Mercer pointed out that there is no controversy with the schools mentioned in the motion.  The Department is working with the District on these projects and is fully aware of the status of these schools with the context of the Restructuring Plan.  If there are unforeseen developments affecting closures then related funding would be resolved with the Department of Education at that time.


                        Riverwood Academy


Motion:           To request permission from the Minister to purchase the temporary classroom space that was constructed at Riverwood Academy which accommodate the displaced students as a result of the fire at Carmanville School Complex (Pritchett/Langdon).  Carried


Bishop’s Falls Academy


Motion:           To notify the Pentecostal Assemblies of Newfoundland and Labrador of the closing of Bishop’s Falls Academy and the property is no longer required for educational purposes.  Any outstanding property matters will be addressed through our agreement under section 84 of the Schools Act (Pritchett/Woolfrey). Carried


Mr. Hannaford asked about a special needs apartment in L.P. Purchase.  He said people in the community are asking about an apartment being built in the school for special needs.  Mr. Mercer said the Board is not aware of this.


Mr. Pritchett explained the existing agreement with the RCEC on St. Joseph’s Property.  Motion below:


Exploits Valley Intermediate – Property Matters


Motion:           To recommend to the Minister that we deduct the value up to $72,000 from the outstanding receivable relating to the demolition of St. Joseph’s Academy, Gander in exchange for ownership of the parcel of land required to develop the parking area relating to the extension and renovations at Exploits Valley Intermediate, Grand Falls-Windsor. (Pritchett/Woolfrey). Carried


Mr. Budgell asked about the special needs space in L. P. Purchase.  He asked if the special needs space would be moved into Botwood Collegiate.  Mr. Mercer said the students would have to be moved to Botwood Collegiate.  Mr. Brown noted the property around L. P. Purchase may be needed in the future for an extension to Botwood Collegiate.


Motion:           to accept the Finance Committee Report.  (Pritchett/

Budgell).  Carried.



4.3       Personnel Committee (attached)


Mr. Noble presented the Personnel Committee Report.


The final NLTA-Board Liaison Committee Meeting was held and ended in a very positive note.


He presented the staffing report which was circulated as of June 21.  (see attached).


Motion:           to accept the staffing report (Noble/Hannaford).  Carried.




Mr. Hannaford complimented the staff on the great amount of work gone into staffing and filling so many positions in a short period of time.


Dr. Woolfrey asked about special needs teachers.


Mrs. Wells said it is a very difficult area to recruit because there is such a shortage of trained teachers in this area.  There was a general discussion on how to address this need.


Some discussion followed on possible scenarios to help current teaching staff to upgrade and guarantee a position.  Collective Agreement is currently an issue in moving beyond 1 year terms.


Mr. Budgell asked about the reassignment of the maintenance supervisory staff.  Mr. Mercer explained the process that the District followed to fill the four supervisory positions.


Motion:           to accept the Report.  (Noble/Hannaford).  Carried.


4.4       Programs Committee (attached)


Mr. John George presented the Programs Committee Report.  He outlined the meeting format of a presentation and discussion on issues in the Programs Division.


He briefed the Board on the discussion about students in General Programs.  The Committee felt it was important to focus on the intermediate years to address this concern.


Mr. George discussed the Cobb Family Foundation presentation re Fogo Island.


Mr. George briefed the Board on the CDLI rooms report from schools.


Mr. George informed the Board that students from this District placed first in the Province in University of Waterloo Math Competitions in grade 6, 7, 8 and 9.


Motion:           to accept the report of the Programs Committee.  (George/Brown).  Carried.


5.         Correspondence


1.         Town of Hermitage – Sandyville - Shawn is addressing the matter

2.         Rocky Guy’s letter response from Minister of Education.


Mr. Noble asked about the protocol of school principals writing the Minister of Education.


Mrs. Cheeks said the Health Corporation has a strict policy and protocol that does not allow employees to write the Minister.


There was a general discussion on this and Mr. Mercer mentioned three episodes this year.  It was felt that proper protocol was for principals to go through the Director when they want to contact the Minister.


Mr. Brown suggested this be an item for the NLTA-School Board Liaison Committee in the fall.  The Director reminded the Board that most school administers use appropriate protocol in all levels of communication.  Let’s be careful not to brand all administrators due to the actions of only a few.  The most effective approach is to address the few individuals who miscued on an individual basis.


6.         New Business


            6.2       Participants comments – NLSBA AGM & CSBA Congress 2006


                        A.        CSBA Congress 2006


Mr. Kendell reported on the congress (see attached).


Mr. Mercer said the most outstanding thing for him was the close relationship between the school boards and the Government of Quebec.  They have what appears to be a strong, healthy relationship.




                        B.         NLSBA AGM


·        Mr. Kendell reported on the NLSBA AGM (see attached).

·        Mr. Langdon reported on his attendance at the NLSBA AGM.

·        Mr. George reported on the School Bus Safety session at the AGM.


            6.1       Budget 2006-07


Mr. Pritchett presented the proposed budget (attached).  He noted the changes in the original draft caused by some late changes in the grant received from the Department of Education.  The changes were corrected on 3 specific pages which were handed out for the purpose of replacing the corresponding pages in the proposed draft budget sent out earlier to trustees.


Board members asked for clarification on a number of items in the Budget:


1.      Dr. Woolfrey - the new accounting software.

2.      Mr. Budgell – Library materials amount

3.      Mr. Noble – page 5 – Salaries and Benefits Board Office Personnel

4.      Mr. Noble – Professional Fees (includes software)

5.      Dr. Woolfrey – page 13 – Other Staff Training

6.      Mr. George – Municipal Service Fees – page 7

7.      Mr. Hannaford – Pupil Transportation – page 8

8.      Dr. Woolfrey – Summer Maintenance Request – page 14

9.      Mr. Hannaford – Deferred Expenses – page 11

10.  Mr. Noble –  restrictions on schools spending

11.  Mr. Budgell - informing school councils

12.  Mr. Noble – Board Expenses


Mr. George complimented the Finance Committee and Shawn on the good work and the detail available to Board Members through the computer display and circulation detailed documents during the presentation.


Motion:           to approve the budget pending final allocations from Government.  (Pritchett/Budgell).  Carried.


Motion:           To request from the Minister, permission to borrow the amount of $255,678 which represents two years of Special Incentive funding associated with the closures of Bishop’s Falls Academy and Leading Tickles Elementary.  The loan proceeds will be used to offset the Capital costs associated with the renovations required at Leo Burke Academy, renovations to accommodate space for Physical Education Equipment at St. Stephen’s All Grade, and CDLI and fitness room renovations required in various schools through out the District (Pritchett/Kendell).  Carried.


            6.3       Draft Proposal re Student Assistant Allocation Funding Pilot


Marina Hewlett reported on the Alternate Mechanism for Allocation of the Students Assistant Resource (see attached)


Motion:           that Nova Central School District submit a proposal to the Department of Education to pilot the Alternate Mechanism for Allocating of Student Assistant Resources for the 2006-07 school year (Budgell/Woolfrey).  Carried.


Mr. George asked for clarification on the block funding issue as presented in the document.  The block funding is just for the appeals hours and leaves required.


                        6.4       Closed Session


Motion:           to move into a closed session (George/Pritchett).  Carried.


Motion:           to come out of closed session (Woolfrey/Pritchett).  Carried.


6.         Date of Next Meeting


The next regular meeting of the Board will be held on , 2006, 7:00 PM .


7.         Adjournment


Motion:           to adjourn the meeting(Pritchett).  Carried




_____________________________                          ____________________________

Thomas Kendell                                                           Charlie McCormack

Chair                                                                            Recorder

